This is Warren’s Story…

“In 2014, our lives took an unexpected turn when our son Matthew, just ten years old at the time, was nearly killed in a head-on collision on his way to a party.

Matthew was wearing only a lap belt and required urgent life-saving surgery on his stomach, followed by another operation a week later for spinal surgery to mend broken vertebrae.

Throughout this ordeal, the care and support given to us by the entire medical team at the John Radcliffe Hospital and especially the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) has remained with us constantly. Their dedication and professionalism left a lasting mark on us. A year later I ran a half marathon to support PICU, inspired by their care.

Now, nearly a decade later, with our three children older and Matthew thriving in his third year at Bristol University, studying Astrophysics, I find myself ready to take on an even greater challenge: training for a full marathon.

Matthew is now living his best life enjoying surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding, American football and rock climbing - we owe it all to the team at the John Radcliffe, and would love the opportunity to give something back again!

Matthew’s story brought out the best in every single person we know - and even people we didn’t know!

To do this marathon in the tenth anniversary year of his accident is quite poignant. We will only need to tell everyone why I am running it and people will want to give!

We are not daunted at all by the £3,000 minimum donation and are on track to completely smash it! Apart from the incredible generosity of friends, family and colleagues, we are planning a live band event in our village in the week after the marathon, the local George and Dragon pub is selling Warren’s Marathon Runner beer giving a donation for every pint sold and also running a pub quiz to to raise more funds.

Jane Bray from Oxford Hospitals Charity said, “What a wonderful way for Warren to pay back his thanks to the JR. Matthew is certainly living his life to the fullest and I’m sure he is very proud of his Dad for taking on this challenge. Good luck Warren!”

If you are inspired by Warren’s story you can donate to his fundraising page here.